8 Best Tips For Amazon Keyword Research [Secret Tools Included]

8 Best Tips For Amazon Keyword Research [Secret Tools Included]

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Amazon is an excellent platform for promoting your products. Amazon keyword research ensures your products appear in pertinent search results and attract buyers.

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  1. According to JungleScout, 66% of U.S. consumers conduct product research using specific search terms.
  2. Amazon's algorithm boosts product ASIN visibility based on relevant keywords in search results.
  3. Understanding and tailoring keyword strategies according to the Amazon audience is essential for effective optimization.
  4. Prioritizing relevance in keyword selection and avoiding subjective phrases in listings contribute to better-targeted audiences.
  5. Amazon keyword research tool helps to find the accurate keywords tailored for the Amazon audience.

Why We Wrote This?

Our main intention is to show readers that Amazon keyword research is crucial for sellers as it directly influences product visibility and sales. By strategically employing keywords, sellers can secure prime spots in Amazon's vast marketplace, enhancing the chances of their products being discovered by potential buyers.

Therefore, in this blog, we’ve discussed the importance of Amazon keyword research, how it relates to products, tips and tools for making your keyword research more effective.

Why is Amazon Keyword Research Important?

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According to JungleScout, 66% of U.S. consumers do product research because buyers use specific search terms to locate what they want.

When launching a new product on Amazon, your focus should be on Amazon keyword research. Why? Because Amazon's algorithm, the virtual matchmaker, elevates your product in search results when it considers your chosen keywords relevant to a specific product search.

Thus, understanding and strategically employing keywords during the product launch phase can significantly impact where your product lands in Amazon's expansive marketplace. It's not just about being discovered; it's about securing a prime spot that boosts sales.

How does Amazon Keywords Research Relate to Products?

Amazon keywords aren’t just important; they're vital. Neglecting strong and Amazon negative keywords renders your products on Amazon practically invisible. Here are some important practices that you should consider while placing your keywords:

  1. Place more primary keywords in the forefront of your title.
  2. The product details page offers the chance to highlight your product's best features. So, you also incorporate keywords that couldn't fit into the product title.
  3. You can also incorporate keywords at the backend of your Amazon seller account. These hidden keywords provide Amazon with additional information about your product that consumers won't see, akin to alt text for images in content creation.

How To Find Keywords For Amazon: 8 Tips for Amazon Keyword Research

  1. Tailor to Your Amazon Audience

Before delving into keywords for your Amazon products, understand your target audience. Unlike Google, Amazon has unique search behavior and requirements. Tailor your strategy exclusively to your Amazon audience and their behavior on the platform for effective search term optimization.

Furthermore, analyze how your Amazon audience conducts searches. Develop a list of generic keywords like "ball" or "bottle" and consider potential expansions based on your audience's search behavior. This approach lays a solid foundation for generating relevant keywords and refining your Amazon search term optimization tasks.

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Do you want to engage more customers towards your products? Read our guide on 5 benefits of Amazon’s customer engagement tool.

  1. Utilize Amazon-Specific Keyword Tools

When searching for keywords for your Amazon listing, rely on the Amazon keyword research tool. Amazon users have different search intents than Google users, so using Google-centric keywords won't cut it on Amazon.

Explore Amazon-specific keyword tools such as Sonar and Keyword Tool. These tools generate keywords tailored for Amazon and provide insights into search volume.

Additionally, leverage the Amazon search bar to discover other relevant keywords. By inputting your base keyword, like "shirt" or "pants," you can identify what other terms people commonly search in conjunction. This strategy helps in brainstorming keywords for your product listing.

By employing Amazon-specific keyword tools, you ensure the selection of keywords that resonate well with your Amazon listing, reaching a broader audience.

  1. Prioritize Relevance in Keywords
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Relevance is paramount in Amazon search term optimization. Your goal on Amazon is to drive conversions, making it essential to select keywords that drive external traffic to Amazon listing. Steer clear of incorporating irrelevant keywords with high search volume, as this can backfire.

Some businesses attempt to include popular but unrelated keywords to broaden their reach. However, this practice can result in a mismatch between the product and the search intent. Imagine searching for Polaroid cameras and encountering a listing for a water bottle – it's confusing and counterproductive.

Amazon dismisses such practices, harming your ranking and reducing conversions due to irrelevant search results.

To optimize Amazon product listing effectively, stick to keywords directly related to your product, ensuring a more targeted audience and increased conversions.

  1. Avoid Subjective Keywords

If you’re thinking about how to find the most searched keywords on Amazon, follow this step. Don’t use subjective phrases that make your product sound superior when selecting keywords. Terms like "best-seller" or "the best of 2024" are subjective and based on personal opinions, which may not resonate with everyone.

On Amazon, users are more likely to search for specific features or attributes of a product rather than subjective praise. Instead of focusing on subjective keywords, use terms that accurately describe your product, such as "hair brush for curly hair" or "detangle hair brush."

Let your product's reviews showcase its merits rather than relying on subjective keywords. This approach aligns with Amazon's user behavior and enhances the credibility of your product.

  1. Integrate Keywords Wisely in Listings

Once you've done keyword research Amazon, strategically integrate them into your listing. Unlike Google, where multiple integrations enhance ranking, Amazon operates differently.

For optimal results, insert your primary keyword in the header and allocate your second and third most important keywords to the descriptions. Amazon only requires keywords to be used once to impact search results positively. Repeating the same keyword doesn't improve ranking and wastes valuable space.

Use keywords wisely to perform Amazon SEO efficiently, ensuring each keyword serves its purpose within the limited space.

  1. Use Backend Keywords

You'll compile a list of keywords in your Amazon product keyword research. While you can't include all these keywords in your listing without cluttering it, you still want to rank for them. Enter backend keywords.

Furthermore, Backend keywords are unseen by your audience and reside on the backend of your listing. This is a valuable space to include additional keywords.

Given the 250-byte limit for backend keywords per product, prioritize the most crucial ones from your list. Remember that each character from A-Z and 0-9 counts as one byte. Avoid redundancy with keywords already in your listing, using this opportunity to rank for other important Amazon keywords.

  1. Research Competitors for Strategic Insights

When aiming to rank for a keyword, analyze your competitors. To understand how to find competitor's keywords on Amazon, examine how they present their products to identify opportunities for your product to stand out.

Price is a critical factor. Amazon utilizes your pricing to predict your conversion rate, influencing your product's ranking. Ensure your product is competitively priced to avoid being ranked lower due to perceived lower conversion potential.

Evaluate your competitors' listings, scrutinizing titles, photos, and descriptions. Identify any gaps or shortcomings in their listings that you can leverage to enhance your own. Moreover, optimizing product images and creating A+ content can give your listing a competitive edge and boost conversions.

how to find most searched keywords on amazon
  1. Regularly Monitor Keyword Performance

Adding keywords to your Amazon listing isn’t a one-time task. Regularly monitor keyword performance to gauge their effectiveness in driving valuable traffic.

If certain keywords fail to attract traffic, consider swapping them out for new ones. This ongoing monitoring allows you to adapt and reach a more qualified audience, particularly with backend keywords that can be adjusted without impacting your listing's ranking for other keywords.

By staying aware and responsive to keyword performance, you enhance your listing's visibility in relevant search results. Thus, you can drive traffic to Amazon and increase conversions.

6 Best Amazon Keyword Research Tool

Here’s a list of Amazon keyword research tools that will help you find and target the right keywords:

  1. Helium 10: Offer features like keyword research, competitor analysis, and listing optimization.
  2. Jungle Scout: Provides Amazon product sales, trends, and keyword insights.
  3. AMZScout: Helps to identify profitable keywords and estimate their search volumes.
  4. Ahrefs: Provides keyword research insights for product optimization and improved search rankings.
  5. Keyword Tool Dominator: Provide long-tail keywords and optimize product listings.
  6. SellerApp: Offering keyword research, competitor analysis, and product tracking.


Amazon keyword research is a game-changer for sellers. Our article provides actionable tips, including strategic keyword placement, audience-tailored strategies, and continuous monitoring for optimization. It concludes that mastering Amazon keyword research isn’t just about being discovered but securing a prime position in the competitive marketplace.

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Frequently Asked Questions Related To Amazon Keyword Research

How Can I Find Competitor Keywords On Amazon?

Utilize Amazon keyword research tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout to analyze competitor listings and identify relevant keywords.

How To Find Negative Keywords Amazon

Conduct thorough research on your Amazon advertising campaigns, analyzing search terms that generate clicks but not conversions, and add those as negative keywords to refine your targeting.

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